The agreement between the Cantons of Basel-Stadt and Basel-Landschaft about the joint operation of the University of Basel and the Personnel Statutes of the University of Basel regulate the guidelines regarding research collaborations and the rights and duties of university personnel regarding research results, related intellectual property and its commercialization. The relevant documents are available in the collection of laws of the university.

Guidelines Covering Handling of Agreements

The guidelines give an overview about the responsibilities and available assistance for researchers regarding research, development and service agreements. It also lists the handling of various types of agreement. A similar document exists for the University Hospital (see right column).

Overhead and VAT

The university charges a contribution to the infrastructure on all research collaborations with third parties. The overhead is 20% on sponsored research projects and 40% on service and contract research agreements. The overhead has to be accounted for when putting together the project budget. Moreover, the budget needs to account for any VAT that might be due.

Guidelines Covering Commercialization of Research Results

The guidelines describe the process for the commercialization of research results and the rights and duties of university personnel.

Distribution of Income

Income from licensing of patented inventions is first used to cover the expenses incurred during the exploitation (patenting costs, etc.). With regard to possible reimbursement to third parties, the remaining income is distributed as follows:

  • 40% to the inventor or the creator

  • 30% to the third party account of the head of the research group

  • 30% to the University

In case of cumulative income per case of above 1 million CHF, the University Council may decide on a different distribution for any sums exceeding 1 million CHF.

For details concerning the distribution of license income from biological materials or other non-patented research results please refer to the respective guidelines.

Regulations regarding work performed for third parties, agreements with third parties and the management of intellectual property (Ordnung 441.200, excerpt in German)

The regulation defines secondary employments, collaborations with third parties and aspects related to the commercialization of research results. It includes financial obligations, such as overhead payments, and the distribution of any revenues resulting from the commercialization of intellectual property.
The guidelines for secondary employments provide information for the mandatory reporting of such activities.

Eigentum an und Verwertung von Urheberrechten


Eigentum an und Verwertung von Erfindungen, Designs und Computerprogrammen

§ 16. Erfindungen und Designs, die von Personen im Anwendungsbereich dieser Ordnung (§ 1) bei Ausübung ihrer dienstlichen Tätigkeiten gemacht werden, gehören der Universität, und zwar
unabhängig von der Erfüllung einer  vertraglichen Pflicht (entsprechend Art. 332 OR). Die
Verwertungsrechte an Computerprogrammen, die unter den gleichen Voraussetzungen geschaffen werden, stehen der Universität zu (entsprechend Art. 17 URG).